Reflections on Mosaic with Kayo (formerly known as Kenneth Anderson)
My view of mosaic has dramatically shifted since my time there…mosaic is a powerful vehicle for self actualization…a place for free spirits to garner discipline that they will need to go into the deepest spaces of themselves, and by extension the world…and create the vision board for what is next for us. The gifts are many but they are NOT in competition…it is through acting and mothering, through singing and driving busses, directing movies and directing traffic…these gifts aren’t means tested by our systems, but through our hearts in the realization that through it all…each of us is a gift. A unique GODspark…being birthed into fullness by our deep ties to each other, our joys and sorrows, our debts and debtors and most profoundly, our love. In the fullness of our journeys, the dualities are a gift and this realization is next. What is born is new…it is boundless…and it forwards our freedom and humanity in ways unfolding
Our collective artistic gifts and beautiful memories aside,
My loving personal gift is my life example…a battle with both intense dark and incredible light…a journey to the core and into the messy cocoon….and an ultimate butterfly…unbound by ego and need for either approval or praise, no quest for celebrity or constancy…just full life.
My love for you is so intense, it almost drowned out my need to love myself…
It was through this journey inward though that I learned to forgive, heal and love every version of myself, (including the scared, insecure 19 year old pretending to be an adult) and that has created the space to love more than I could ever have imagined and it is ever expanding…
“Wherever you go…go with your whole heart”