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Meet Craig Ester

Meet Craig Ester 1200 800 mosaic

Current Title: Graduate Assistant/MFA Acting Candidate Louisiana State University

What drew me to Mosaic?

I actually don’t know how it happened, but a friend of mine who was in the singing company brought me to a performance of Tessarae, the one act play festival. It was sort of love at first sight. I wasn’t able to audition for the company until the next year and I ended up in the acting ensemble. I stayed at Mosaic because it was the first place in my young life where I felt other people sharing my passions, and where we had agency over the work we made.

Moment/Memory that impacted me:

There are honestly too many to count, but the one that sticks out the most in my professional life is one when I had a bonding moment with Rick Sperling. Rick was driving me to rehearsal, I was an intern in the office at the time and we were working on Woodward Wonderland at the DIA, and we had to stop and pick up the printed scripts before we arrived. Earlier that week we’d had a line test, and I had been paraphrasing and missing lines. Rick came down on me about being accountable for my work and learning my text. He made it clear that as a veteran member of the company the way that I comported myself in the room taught the new people how to behave in rehearsal. I got my act together and even today I make sure to set an example on every production I’m in of being professional and accountable for my responsibilities.

How has Mosaic impacted my artistic/educational path?

I credit Mosaic with putting me in a room with people who had dreams and goals they were aspiring to in their lives. I think it’s true that the people you choose to be around help to set you on your path. I didn’t know that I wanted to go to college, or that you could go to college for acting until I started working with my fellow company members and watched them go on to theatre schools around the country. It’s strange to say but the most important audition of my life was my Mosaic audition when I was fifteen. If I hadn’t been in that room of driven young artists I would have never found my way to undergrad and then eventually, and currently, grad school.

How has your journey with Mosaic reflected the ideas of tradition, transformation, or triumph? Can you share an example of how these themes played a role in your growth as a leader, artist or individual?

The rituals, and traditions of being a part of three years of Mosaic taught me that everyone in the room regardless of the size of their role in the group should be treated like they matter. I have taken these kinds of traditions, warmup games and group check ins into my work as a director and as an educator. One of the genius things about Mosaic’s traditions that I find difficult or rare in the professional theatre world is that Mosaic makes space for the emotional state of every person involved in the process. When people feel taken care of, and heard, and emotionally safe then they produce better work. As a leader you have to take the time to cultivate this kind of environment in order to get the best work out of the group and create the best experience for everyone.

How did Mosaic prepare you for higher education or your career? In what ways did Mosaic support you in pursuing further education, or your career path?

As I mentioned earlier Mosaic made me want to go into higher education and get both my BFA and MFA in Acting. The main things that help me advance in these areas is my accountability, I show up on time, and if there is work to be done, then the work is done. Mosaic challenged me to take agency over my work which directly translated to me being a strong student in my education at Ball State University, and Louisiana State University. Mosaic supported me in my goals by hosting a trip to college auditions when I was a senior, and coaching myself and my fellow seniors through our monologues. Many schools I auditioned for asked to meet other Mosaic students after meeting me. This speaks to how amazing the team is, our Acting Company Directors at the time were Kate Peckham and Edmund Alyn Jones, to whom I owe credit for the artist and student I’ve become.

What are you doing now? What; if anything, do you see as connections between creative youth development and the field you work in today? Are there any parallels or lessons from your time at Mosaic that you still apply in your current industry or work environment?

I am currently studying for my Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Acting at Louisiana State University and I am the Co-Founder and Artistic Director of Break the Chain Theatre Company in Detroit Michigan. Youth Development and my career field are intimately linked in that they are both about making people feel seen and heard. As apart of my program I teach acting for undergraduates and everyday in the classroom I constantly make sure everyone has a chance to speak about where they are and how they’re feeling today. I try to make accommodations for who they are and how they’re feeling, and in production work I try to model the accountability and professionalism that Rick and the team instilled in me as a teenager. It’s not about what you say, it’s about what you do and actions are always more important than words.

How would you describe Mosaic in a few words or a short phrase? Please finish this sentence: “Mosaic is…” 

Mosaic is home, freedom, and love.

Mosaic Volunteer Highlight – Deborah Hardison Hill

Mosaic Volunteer Highlight – Deborah Hardison Hill 1200 800 mosaic

What originally drew you to volunteer with Mosaic Youth Theatre, and how long have you been involved?
Attending as a guest and seeing the youth perform and how much they support each other.

Can you share a memorable moment from your time with Mosaic that stands out?
I was talking to a few of the performers and one if them asked me do I have a youth who is a part of Mosaic. I replied I did not. I told them they I am so impressed by their commitment and their talent. I see how serious they take this program. They smiled and said thank you and gave me a hug.

Mosaic focuses on empowering young people through the arts. How does this mission resonate with you?
The program gives these young people opportunities that are rarely given to them. It teaches them how hard work and  the enjoyment of  doing something you enjoy shows by the way the audience looks forward to attending and seeing them perform. They have regulars that attend and everyone who is introduced to them are very impressed by these young artists. Many have said “very professional “.

In your opinion, why are programs like Mosaic so vital for youth and the greater community today?
This program builds not just character in these young artist, whether they are a performer or behind the scenes, but teaches them the importance of what they put into something is rewarding, there is a greater return. I have seen the results of a few alumni who have gone on and continued their career. I have seen how they support and encourage each other. This program will help them through life’s challenges and them reaching their goals. It teaches them the importance of being taken seriously in life. And most importantly taking themselves seriously and being proud of their accomplishments.

What have you learned about yourself through volunteering with Mosaic?
Wow. I’m able to see many young people from different walks in life come together. I have grown to respect young people even more because I see their passion, their strengths and openness. I have learned to respect their opinions even more.

For those reading your story, what would you say to encourage them to get involved with Mosaic, whether as a volunteer, supporter, or audience member?
If you have never attended a performance, come see them, stay afterwards and talk to these young artists. Once you do, you can’t help but to want to find a way to get involved in some capacity. You will not be able to walk away knowing that your support is very important for this program and the young artist, whether financially or volunteering or both. When these young artists see people attending a performance, the look on their faces draws you in.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Mosaic is a wonderful program for young people. Whether they want to pursue this as  a career or go into something else, Mosaic Youth Program has helped guide these young people to become productive and to set goals in their lives. It’s more than putting on a performance, this program has given them guidance and taught them how to stay focused and to lift others up.

Please finish this statement, “Mosaic is….”
Mosaic is a platform where our young people can place a positive impact and imprint not just in the community, but also wherever they go. Mosaic is a guide for their future.

Celebrating #BlackHistoryMonth: The Legacy of Past, Present, and Future Trailblazers

Celebrating #BlackHistoryMonth: The Legacy of Past, Present, and Future Trailblazers 1200 800 mosaic

We know that Black history is more than just a small subset of history – it IS history. During Black History Month we’ve been sharing powerful stories of Black influence and creativity. We’re lucky to have nearly unlimited sources of inspiration within Mosaic—from our current Young Artist class to our legendary Mosaic alumni network.

As the month wraps up, we leave you with five powerful videos and a photo series representing Mosaic’s past, current, and future. Please enjoy the spoken word of three extraordinary current young artists, an interview with award-winning “Debating Destiny” creator James Anthony Tyler, as well as an enlightening conversation with Mosaic Alumni Brian Taylor. Further down, we share a trip we took with our Youth Ensemble to the Flint Repertory Theatre where they spent time with influential members of the theatrical community.

And while February has ended, be assured that the stories we share of Black influence, creative expression, power, and innovation will not stop when the month ends.

Mosaic Young Artist, Charisma, presents “Standby Lights,” a reflection of artistic Black trailblazers and their creation of masterpieces.

Mosaic Young Artist, Zora, presents “Rockstar,” a look at Black creators and their successes using new techniques and styles.

Mosaic Young Artist, Adiran, presents “Writing the Future,” a look at the Black community and those who have used their talents to inspire, create, and resonate.

Come behind the scenes with playwright James Anthony Tyler to discuss his new play, “Debating Destiny,” and how he used Mosaic’s Young Artists as inspiration for the plot and characters.

Watch our exclusive interview with Mosaic Alumni and professional actor, Brian Taylor, as he reflects on what it means to be a Black performer and storyteller as you progress through your career.

Early in February our Youth Ensemble headed to Flint and had the opportunity to meet and chat with playwright James Anthony Tyler and actor (and Mosaic alum!) Brian Taylor at the Flint Repertory Theatre. The pair were preparing for performances of Tyler’s play “Into the Side of the Hill.”

The experience took on special meaning for the group because they had also been working on play by James Anthony Tyler called “Debating Destiny.” The world premiere of the play is slated for March 1 and 2 in Detroit. The ability to meet and discuss the play you’re performing in with its writer is an experience our Ensemble members are sure to remember!

Elan Charitable Giving Program Expands to Include Mosaic Youth Theatre

Elan Charitable Giving Program Expands to Include Mosaic Youth Theatre 1200 800 mosaic

Detroit-Based Organization Receives Portion of the $375,000 Donation

The Elan Charitable Giving program today announced $375,000 in donations across 30 communities. Each $12,500 gift was given to a charity selected by an Elan Credit Card partner. In Michigan, Mosaic Youth Theatre in Detroit was selected as beneficiary.

“We’re delighted to expand our reach this year to the communities of 15 credit union and 15 community bank partners,” said John Owens, Elan Credit Card General Manager, “From food insecurity and housing to animal shelters and youth arts programming, the Elan Charitable Giving program continues to support the needs of our partner’s communities.”

The Public Service Credit Union in Romulus, Michigan, was named a 2024 Elan Charitable Giving credit card partner. Mosaic Youth Theatre was designated as the recipient of its $12,500 donation. The funds will help support the organization’s robust youth theatre programs.

Since the launch of the Elan Charitable Giving program in 2022, $1.7 million has been distributed to 122 charities. Elan employees have also volunteered 225 hours of their time to further the impact of these gifts. Additional volunteer events with selected partners and charities will take place in 2024.

About Mosaic Youth Theatre

Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit empowers young people to maximize their potential through professional performing arts training and the creation of engaging, transformative, and inspiring theatrical and musical art. An award-winning national model for youth arts excellence and creative youth development, Mosaic has toured critically-acclaimed all-teen performances worldwide. Its class of 2023 had a 100 percent high school graduation rate. Learn more at www.mosaicdetroit.org

About Elan Credit Card

Elan Credit Card partners with financial institutions to grow their business through our outsourced credit card program, mortgage solutions, and all-in-one merchant processing platform, talech®. Our dedication to our partners, growth philosophy, and investment in technology has made us a leader in the industry since 1968. Learn more about our innovative solutions for consumer and business accounts of all sizes. For more information, visit www.elanfinancialservices.com/credit-card.

Live From The BOOST Conference: Cultivating Thriving Youth And Organizations With DeLashea Strawder And Dalouge Smith

Live From The BOOST Conference: Cultivating Thriving Youth And Organizations With DeLashea Strawder And Dalouge Smith 1000 599 mosaic

The Why Change? Podcast is coming to you live from the BOOST Conference! Jeff M. Poulin chats with DeLashea Strawder – the Executive and Artistic Director of Mosaic Youth Theatre and recent Recipient of the 2021 Lewis Prize For Music – about innovative arts-based youth work in the BOOST podcast lounge. He also chats with Dalouge Smith, CEO of The Lewis Prize for Music about new models of philanthropy in music for social change programs.

DeLashea Strawder, Executive and Artistic Director, Mosaic Youth Theatre

DeLashea Strawder, Executive and Artistic Director, Mosaic Youth Theatre 1200 718 mosaic

By now, we know what creative arts can offer to young people’s lives, and taking center stage is Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit. Its varied programming is meant to fuel artistic development, but also self-expression. DeLashea Strawder, Mosaic executive and artistic director, says, “We are a creative youth development organization supporting young people in the Detroit area, helping them to thrive, empowering them with the tools that they need to activate their voices to excel on stage and in life.”

Mosaic Youth Theatre hosts tiered, age-tailored programs of increasing intensity allowing young people to cultivate creative skills and, Strawder says, “really hone in on the story they want to tell and synthesize as they grow older.” The popular Youth Ensembles are year-long programs for which auditions are held once or twice a year. “As you participate in the program, your leadership training, your college and career pathways, and your artistic skills development continues to grow with you,” she says.

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