Thank You to our Supporters
Mosaic is both honored and privileged to partner with many exceptional local, regional, national, and international organizations. All of our current partnerships are proudly displayed on this page. Questions regarding our partnerships or partnership opportunities may be directed to
Thank you to our partners:

Thank you to our Partners in Possibility:
Meagan Dunn
Weslia and Keith Echols
Carol Goss
Deborah Hansen
Russ and Susan Ives
Cheryl P. Johnson
Donald Middleton
Dr. Glenda Price
Delphia Simmons
DeLashea and Daniel Strawder
Frank Taylor
Leadership donors:
Terry Bonnette
Corey Bordine
Paul Butcher
Keith and Candace Cooper Donor Fund
Rochelle Forester
Leeann Konrad
Kyla Grant-Phillips
Diane and Saul Green
Timothy Hefferon
Timothy Higgins
Diarra Kilpatrick
Japanese Business Society Detroit Foundation
Leeann Konrad
Lois McEntyre
Rueben and Cheryl Munday
Marshall Mathers Foundation
Patricia Nemeth
Barbara and David Osher
A. Paul and Carol C. Schaap Fund
Linda and Norm Schuessler
Bobbie Tweddle
Shannon Wallis
Dorinda VanKempen
Jeremy Wolfe